Drag My Dad is a television series streamed by MTV on Facebook Watch, starting in 2019. The show is hosted by Bob the Drag Queen, winner of season 8 of RuPaul's Drag Race. The show features eight fathers who undergo drag makeovers and bond with their children in the process.

Reaching 5,791,007 views and 7088,884 minutes watched, and the winner of the 13th annual shorty award.


Proposal was a series adapted from linear to the vertical format for Sanpchat discover bringing in over 8.5 million unique viewers.

The series won the 11th annual shorty award.


Finally a Cribs for OOOUUURRR generation. This revamping of MTV’s flagship show was launched in conjunction with Snapchat to relaunch the series at the height of that platform’s popularity. Shorty Award: Silver Honor in Snapchat Discover.